Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Foolish and Wise

Woo hoo!  Exciting stuff!  This is one of the poems I entered in this year's Mormon Lit Blitz.  Made the finals, came in 4th! 
It's about those times when I'm really working on one or two of my favorite sins - and it seems that just when I think I've made progress, just when I think that I've taken a big step forward, that seems to be the time I slip and lose ground.  Why is that?  Why does spiritual progress seem to work this way?  Particularly after all I have studied and learned? 

Foolish and wise



I am both virgins – foolish and wise

No sooner to take one glorious step

Than slip and spill.

How can I be

Both faithless and believing in alternating breaths

Knowing what I know?


Perfection is not required at this stage

But constancy

Might let me see the wedding feast.